Die Welt von Cottonbabe™ 🌍


Cottonbabe™ bed linen represents the expressionism of the bed linen market in the 21st century. Existing, outdated structures are to be replaced by new and fresh ones. Young people in particular have no connection to the subject of bed linen. A period of education is needed so that young people also develop passion and awareness for the subject of bedding, just as the subject of sleep has experienced in recent years.


For many decades there were no innovations and novelties in the bed linen scene. Be it bed sheets, duvets or pillows, all bedding equipment is viewed by most people as a one-dimensional and boring product. With our slogan "Fashion for your bed" we want to breathe life into bed linen and give it a face. This is our definition of innovation. That's why we enter into many innovative partnerships.


If you ask people on the street what bed linen adorns their bedroom, you usually get a lot of questioning looks. No bed linen brand has ever managed to be known for its pillow, duvet cover or even bed sheet - especially not among young people. With Cottonbabe™ we want to change that and establish a brand in private bedrooms and hotels that has a recognition value.

Lifestyle & Emotions

Fun & joie de vivre meets exclusivity. That's what we want to embody with Cottonbabe™ bed linen. We spend almost 26 years of our lives in bed, experience special moments with our partner and weave thousands of dreams together. Whether on the lower deck, on an airplane, in a hotel, holiday apartment or in our own four walls, bed linen is with us every day and should trigger special emotions in us every day.