Better ratings & more bookings than HOTEL - Cost-effective measures

Improve hotel rating online inexpensively

It doesn't matter whether it's a hotel chain, a boutique hotel, a hotel in the lower price segment or in the high price segment - as a hotel owner or hotel manager, you constantly ask yourself the question: "What cost-effective measures can I take as the person responsible so that my future workload increased significantly?"

As a 5-star hotelier, Cottonbabe founder Jens Liebhauser knows exactly this topic. We will therefore show you today why it is worth paying special attention to the topic of comfort and equipment.

Similar to the product ratings on Amazon, the star rating on hotel platforms such as, or has an immense impact on a guest's booking behavior.
The aim of our blog post is therefore to examine the respective star rating and to show cost-effective optimizations.

Hotel reviews TripAdvisor Expedia Booking comparison

How is the rating composed?

As can be seen in the picture, the star ratings on the platforms are composed only slightly differently. The various parameters sometimes have different names or are weighted slightly differently. Ultimately, however, the same categories can be identified:


Hotel location is a key component of any hotel. However, once a hotel has opened, it cannot be changed. Unless you reopen the hotel in a different location, which is not an option for most hotel owners and entails completely different challenges.

Conclusion: The location of a hotel cannot be influenced.

Staff, service & cleanliness:

We would summarize these three points under one point. All points require a sufficient number of employees who are deployed in the various hotel areas. However, employees and personnel costs are often the decisive cost driver for a hotel.

The right number and distribution of employees is difficult to calculate, especially when the workload can fluctuate quickly depending on the season. Understaffing has a negative effect on guest satisfaction and their online rating, and overstaffing has a negative impact on your own costs.

Conclusion: In order to get a better rating, you would have to invest a lot of money in the staff.

Price-performance ratio:

Value for money tends to be a subjective factor for each guest. As a hotel owner, it's also not optimal to have a 10/10 for value for money, otherwise you're definitely too cheap. However, a rating of 3/10 is not optimal either, as the guest will otherwise have the feeling that they are paying too much for the service.

Conclusion: In any case, as a hotel owner, you should not aim for a top rating at this point, as this would have negative effects on the income side.


The term equipment is very broad. We summarize here once the external appearance as well as the interior design of the hotel. If, for example, the hotel is still furnished in the style of the 70s from the inside, then extensive modernization and the replacement of the furniture and decorative elements would be necessary.

Conclusion: The equipment is definitely a very cost-intensive point, since the modernization would have to be carried out uniformly and would therefore affect the entire hotel.

Comfort & WiFi:

Finally, only two points remain that you, as a hotel owner, can optimize cost-effectively. We would like to take a closer look at these two points.

For this you need a one-off fiber optic connection, a suitable telecommunications provider and enough rooters that distribute the WLAN evenly throughout the hotel and without disconnecting the connection. If you now deactivate the password, which your guest will thank you for, you can secure a 10/10 star rating on for a reasonable price and above all for the long term.

The second point of interest is comfort. If the guest stays in your hotel for 24 hours, then he will inevitably spend 1/3 of his time lying in bed and sleeping.
A large innerspring mattress, the finest duvets and pillows made from white goose down and silky-soft bed linen will not only determine the star rating in the comfort category, but also the overall rating. Because if your guest should sleep badly, then the rich breakfast the next morning can at best calm the waves, but no longer lead to complete satisfaction.

Conclusion: Compared to all other categories, when optimizing your hotel, you should pay particular attention to the Wi-Fi connection and the comfort of the bed. Because these two factors can be implemented not only quickly but also cost-effectively.

With Cottonbabe we already equip some hotels in the DACH area up to 5-star superior hotels with our products. We would also be happy to talk to you about the possibilities for improving comfort in your home.
Please send us an e-mail at:

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